ENAS offers several benefits to its members. Among them are:
- MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: to pair mentees with suitable mentors who can give career advice and provide feedback on drafts of papers, book proposals, and grant applications. This mentorship program will also enable collaboration that can take many forms such as co-authoring articles, participating in PhD and promotion committees, or building research consortia in response to specific funding schemes. The ENAS Mentorship Program will run for a year after which the pilot will be evaluated and further strategies for implementation discussed.
- PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM FOR GRANT APPLICATIONS: we support networking in the context of funding applications and distribute calls for grant applications.
- DISCOUNTED REGISTRATION: at ENAS conferences and summer schools.
- BEST PhD DISSERTATION PRIZE/ BEST MA THESIS PRIZE: ENAS supports emerging researchers in the field of Aging Studies, among others by awarding a prize for best PhD thesis and best MA thesis in Aging Studies at our conferences.
OUR MAILING LIST: We are happy to share information relevant to the field of Aging Studies that you send us. Please send us your age/ing studies related events, publications, and other academic matters, and we will share them for you with our members.
SOCIAL MEDIA: We encourage our members to share information about events, publications, and other academic matters on social media with us. Please tag us in your posts for a re-share through our official social media channels.
WEBSITE: selected pieces of information (e.g., call for papers, publications, etc.) that you share with us can also be published on the association’s website: Aging Studies.
Annual fees:
Full members: € 50
Student (including PhD) members, unwaged members, retired persons, non-academic members: € 20
Institutional membership (requires a minimum of three members from one department or center): € 30 per person, eg., Uni Graz, Center for Interamerican Studies: Person A: € 30, Person B: € 30, Person C: € 30.
If you are interested in becoming a member, please fill out the membership form:
Membership fees are due annually and can be paid via PayPal and bank transfer to:
ENAS – European Network in Aging Studies
Uni Credit Bank Austria
IBAN: AT72 12000 10007703829
European Network in Aging Studies; c/o University of Graz, Center for Inter-American Studies, 8010 Graz, Merangasse 18/II, Austria; ZVR number 298202943 – Central Register of Associations in Austria