Call for Submissions
Age, Culture, Humanities promotes cross-disciplinary, critical investigations of the experiences of age, aging, and old age, as seen through the lens of the humanities and arts. The goals are to consider age as a category of identity, advance understanding of the aging process and of age differences across the lifespan, interrogate cultural articulations of aging and old age, and generate innovative, engaging scholarly approaches to the study of age and aging in the humanities. The journal is affiliated with the North American Network in Aging Studies (NANAS) and the European Network in Aging Studies (ENAS). Submissions are considered on a rolling basis throughout the year. All manuscripts undergo editorial screening, and scholarly articles are selected for publication in print and open-access digital editions.
The journal invites submissions in the following areas:
- Rigorous scholarly articles on topics that investigate the critical intersections of the arts and humanities with the aging process and with age across the lifespan. Methodologies and areas of investigation include art history and art criticism; communication and new media; critical theory; cultural studies; disability studies; gender and sexuality studies; history; late-life creativity; linguistics; literary criticism; performance studies; philosophy and ethics; race studies; religious studies; and therapeutic uses of humanities and/or the arts. Submissions may also address the anthropological, behavioral, biomedical, gerontological, political, psychological, or sociological dimensions of aging relevant to the humanities and/or the arts.
- Scholarly position papers or curated forums on critical themes related to the areas of study listed above.
- Brief, well-theorized essays on teaching humanities approaches to age and aging.
- Reviews of recent book publications in humanities and arts scholarship relevant to age and aging and of social science or gerontology scholarship relevant to the arts and/or humanities; reviews of conferences or symposia in these fields; reviews of relevant digital humanities projects and research tools. Proposals for extended review essays are also welcome.
- Reviews of recent fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, drama, film, performances, and art exhibitions relevant to age, aging, or old age.
- Proposals for themed clusters in future issues are also welcome.
General submissions are considered throughout the year.
2017 Graduate Student Essay Contest deadline: 30 June 2017.
For further information, please see the journal’s website: ageculturehumanities.org
Cynthia Port and Aagje Swinnen, Coeditors
Anita Wholmann, Reviews Editor Email: ageculturehumanities@coastal.edu
Submission site: achsubmissions.org
Twitter: twitter.com/ACHJournal